The 6th Bomb Group

Crew #3911. Cpt Richard L. Sharp


Thanks to S/Sgt Raymond Algueseva (L Gunner).

The Air Crew

The members of crew #3911 were:

Cpt Richard L. Sharp (A/C)
1/Lt John H. McKendrick (Pilot)
1/Lt John J. Wright (Navigator)
1/Lt Leroy Goldfinger (Bombardier)
M/Sgt Leroy E. Frisch (Engineer)
S/Sgt William Koehler (Radio)
S/Sgt James I. Wherry (Radar)
T/Sgt Carroll K. Iverson (CFC)
S/Sgt Thaddeus S. Zych (R Gunner)
S/Sgt Raymond Algueseva (L Gunner)
S/Sgt Meredith L. Williams (T Gunner)

Crew #3911 in front of Aircraft #38 "Forever Amber II".
Photo provided by 6BG, all rights reserved.

Mission 44. Tokyo Urban Area (May 25-26)

The Crew received a DFC for this mission:

For extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight on 25-26 May 1945 on an incendiary bombing mission against the urban and industrial area of Tokyo, Japan from a base in the Marianas Islands. These individuals were combat crew members of a B-29 aircraft acting as pathfinder, with the task of lighting up the target area for the main force of planes which was to follow. Although they were caught and held in a cone of searchlights all the way in on the approach and over the objective, and though they sustained hits from intense anti-aircraft fire, making their plane easy prey for attacking fighters, this crew dropped their bombs accurately, successfully locating and lighting the target area. By vigorous and successful evasive action, they withdrew for the return to home base. Although suffering extensive battle damage, including several controls shot out, these veterans of more than twenty-one combat missions successfully performed their assigned mission with coolness, courage and skill. They contributed materially to the accomplishment of a severe blow against the enemy, thereby reflecting great credit on themselves and the Army Air Forces.

First Lieutenant LEROY GOLDFINGER as Bombardier
First Lieutenant JOHN J. WRIGHT JR as Navigator
Master Sergeant LEROY E. FRISCH (then Technical Sergeant) as Flight Engineer
Technical Sergeant CARROL K. IVERSON as Central Fire Control Gunner
Staff Sergeant WILLIAM KOEHLER as Radio Operator
Staff Sergeant JAMES I. WHERRY, JR as Radar Operator
Staff Sergeant THADDEUS F. ZYCH (then Sergeant) as Right Blister Gunner
Staff Sergeant RAYMOND ALGUESEVA (then Sergeant) as Left Blister Gunner
Staff Sergeant MEREDITH L. WILLIAMS (then Sergeant) as Tail Gunner

[Transcribed by David Wilson, son of Sgt Bernard E. Wilson (Gunner, "Anonymous IV")]

A separate DFC Citation was prepared for Captain RICHARD L. SHARP, Aircraft Commander of the above aircraft.

The Airplanes

Starting sometime after June 5, this crew generally flew "Forever Amber II".