The 6th Bomb Group

Mission 40. Nagoya Urban Area (May 14-15)

This was a night incendiary mission involving 31 planes from the 6th Bomb Group:

The next mission, flown against the urban area of Nagoya on 14 May, was the beginning of a second blitz. Objective? To force Japan's immediate surrender. Thirty-two planes, carrying E-46 incendiary clusters, Chemical Warfare Service's superb fire weapon, were airborne at 0200 and proceeded individually to the assembly point off Daio-Zaki. Between this point and the target about fifty fighters were sighted. Their fire and the moderately heavy flak damaged seven planes but all returned to Tinian, while destroying three Nip fighters and obtaining excellent bombing results. Lt Clinton L. Wride, 24th Squadron navigator, later missing-in-action, sustained wounds when his plane was attacked by fighters.

[Pirate's Log, p. 43]


20th AF Mission 174

Date:  14 May 1945
Code Name:  Microscope #4
Target:  North Nagoya Urban Area  (197)
Participating Units:  58th, 73rd, 313th and 314th Wings
Number A/C Airborne:  524
% A/C Bombing Primary Target:  89.68%  (472 primary and 8 opportunity)
Time Over Primary:  140905K  - 141025K
Altitude of Attack:  16,200  - 20,500
Weather Over Target:  1/10  -  8/10
Total A/C Lost:  11
Resume of Mission:  Flash strike report indicated fires extended about 2000 yards NW of Nagoya Castle across N part of city.  Mitsubishi Electric Manufacturing Co. and undamaged part of Mitsubishi A/C Engine Plant had fires.  Enemy Air Opposition generally was non-aggressive, uncoordinated, and ineffective.  Forty-four A/C non-effective.  B-29 losses:  1 to E/A, 1 to E/AA: 4 to accident: 4 to other causes and 1 to unknown.  Casualties, 8 killed, 41 missing, and 13 wounded.  Two B-29’s damaged by E/AC and 54 by E/AA.  Ninety E/A sighted made 275 attacks.  Claims 23-16-31.  Average Bomb Load:  11,479 lbs.  Average Fuel Reserve:  642 gallons.