Date: 14 May 1945
Code Name: Microscope #4
Target: North Nagoya Urban Area (197)
Participating Units: 58th, 73rd, 313th and 314th Wings
Number A/C Airborne: 524
% A/C Bombing Primary Target: 89.68% (472 primary and 8 opportunity)
Time Over Primary: 140905K - 141025K
Altitude of Attack: 16,200 - 20,500
Weather Over Target: 1/10 - 8/10
Total A/C Lost: 11
Resume of Mission: Flash strike report indicated fires extended about
2000 yards NW of Nagoya Castle across N part of city. Mitsubishi Electric
Manufacturing Co. and undamaged part of Mitsubishi A/C Engine Plant had
fires. Enemy Air Opposition generally was non-aggressive, uncoordinated,
and ineffective. Forty-four A/C non-effective. B-29 losses: 1 to E/A, 1
to E/AA: 4 to accident: 4 to other causes and 1 to unknown. Casualties, 8
killed, 41 missing, and 13 wounded. Two B-29’s damaged by E/AC and 54 by
E/AA. Ninety E/A sighted made 275 attacks. Claims 23-16-31. Average
Bomb Load: 11,479 lbs. Average Fuel Reserve: 642 gallons.