The 6th Bomb Group

Mission 70. Uji-Yamada Urban Area (July 28)

This was a night incendiary mission involving 30 planes from the 6th Bomb Group:

The next secondary city raided was Uji-Yamada, south of Nagoya on Honshu.  Twenty-nine of thirty-three airborne aircraft were effective over the target.  Post-strike photography disclosed 40 per cent of the city burned out.  Enemy opposition of every nature was negligible.

[Pirate's Log, p. 52]


20th AF Mission 300

Date: 28/29 July 1945
Target: Ujiyamada Urban Area
Participating Units: 313th BW
Number A/C Airborne: 99
% A/C Bombing Primary: 92.92% (93 Primary and 1 Opportunity)
Type of Bombs and Fuzes: E46, 500# incendiary clusters set to open 5,000 feet above target.
Tons of Bombs Dropped: 734.6 tons on Primary and 7.8 tons on Opportunity.
Time Over Primary: 290215K - 290324K
Altitude of Attack: 12,000 - 13,800
Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 5/10
Total A/C Lost: 0
Resume of Mission: Crews reported unobserved to excellent results. Fires were visible for 120 miles. Reconnaissance la- ter revealed 39% of the built-up area had been destroyed. 35 A/C bombed visually and 58 bombed by radar. Black-out in target area was complete, although some cities not listed in propaganda leaflets did not black-out. Flak was reported as heavy and medium, meager to moderate and generally inaccu- rate. A great deal of A/W fire was reported. A few phosphorous bombs and balls of fire were non-effective. One Wind-Run A/C was A/B. Nine B-29s landed at Iwo Jima. Average bomb load: 16,906 lbs. Average fuel reserve: 774 gallons.