Thanks to Sgt Angelo J. Piecora (Tail Gunner) and his son Joe Piecora; Andy Wilson, son of Cpt Ralph C. Wilson (Aircraft Commander); Hitesh Chitalia, son-in-law of S/Sgt George Fedowich (Radarman). |
The POW MissionThe "White Mistress" was a veteran of 45 bombing missions and was credited with 3 kills. Her career came to an abrupt end when she attempted to abort a takeoff on a PW Supply mission. The A/C was Lewis W. Graham.
A picture of this accident from a different angle appears in Steve Birdsall, "Superfortress - The B-29", Squadron/Signal Publications, p. 10. |
The original crew of "White Mistress" was crew #4007. The aircraft was flown by several crews, including the crew of Capt Paul E. Ward (crew #4014). Assuming that the first crew flew "White Mistress" for 35 missions, then the other crews had accumulated 10 missions at the time of the last mission. |
The crew chief was M/Sgt R. G. Felty.