ACflyt - Demo Programs

Here are some demonstration programs created using ACflyt. These are designed primarily for use on a PC with a mouse and keyboard and have a target frame rate of 60 frames per second. The purpose of these demos is to demonstrate the capabilities of ACflyt and to give you a head start in creating your own programs. Thus, you should feel free to download, copy, modify and use them to help you create your own program.

All versions work with r158 three.js modules.

Camera Banks and Pitches

In these demos, the camera banks and pitches with the aircraft. This allows us to add a virtual cockpit to the demo (FM2 only).

FM2 Ocean - Fly WWII FM2 and land on a moving carrier [rev 10/14/23]
Pup Land - Fly WWI Pup over farmland [rev 10/14/23]
FM2 Ocean - Same as above with animated water [rev 2/10/24]
FM2 Ocean - Nodes - Same as above with animated water, using nodes to render water [added 4/3/24]
Pup Hires - Same as above with high resolution textures for low level [rev 10/14/23]
Camera Level with Horizon

In these demos, the camera remains level with the horizon.

Huey_Level - Fly a Huey helicopter (Discussion) [rev. 4/29/23]

This approach seems to work best with helicopters since they generally remain in level flight.

Flight Controls

You can fly the aircraft using the mouse or arrow keys:

As you will see, the mouse is more precise than the keys.

The FM2 has additional features:

How to Take Off
How to Roll the Aircraft

The demos aircraft now have slower, more realistic roll rates, which makes rolling the aircraft more difficult. Here are some tips which should help:

How to Loop the Aircraft
How to Land
How to Land on the Carrier

Landing the on the carrier is a bit more challenging that landing on the ground because the carrier is moving away from you. On the other hand, this will reduce your risk of landing long.