The 6th Bomb Group

Crew #2401. 1/Lt Sam A. Parks


Thanks to 1/Lt Sam A. Parks.

The Air Crew

The members of crew #2401 were:

1/Lt Sam A. Parks (A/C)
2/Lt Joseph Novak (Pilot)
1/Lt Clifford W. Huhn (Engineer)
1/Lt Burlin E. Downing (Navigator)
1/Lt W. T. Hutson (Bombardier)
S/Sgt Walter L. Maryanksi (Radio)
S/Sgt Clinton P. Bond (Radar)
Sgt Joseph E. Farrell (CFC)
S/Sgt Willis N. Gross (R Gunner)
Sgt Herman L. Anderson (L Gunner)
Sgt Albert H. Biernert (T Gunner)

Edgar McElroy (A/C) flew the aircraft for a couple of missions but discovered that injuries sustained while participating in the Doolittle raid prevented him from flying long missions.  On the May 23 mission [Mission 43], 1/Lt Sam A. Parks (A/C) was wounded, 2/Lt. Jo Novak (Pilot) was killed and Sgt Herman L. Anderson (L Gunner) was wounded.

In Memoriam

Herman L. Anderson, Lady Lake, Fla., died in November 2002.  He served in the 24th Squadron as a left gunner with Crew 3906 on the B-29 Uncle Sam's Milk Wagon.  Anderson received a Purple Heart and a Silver Star due to injuries he sustained during an incendiary mission over Tokyo on May 23, 1945.  Historians later would describe the fire bomb raid as "Tokyo's most terrific pounding."  His wife, Phyllis, survives him.  [6BG Newsletter, Jan 2003, p. 7]

McElroy, Edgar E., passed away in August 2003.  He was from Lubbock, TX - 24th Squadron Tokyo Raid 42 and bailed out over China.  [6BG Newsletter, Oct 2003, p. 3]

The Airplanes

This crew primarily flew "Ernie Pyle's Milkwagon / Uncle Sam's Milkwagon".

Last updated 10/09/2011