The Flight module provides programmers with a method of simulating flight that is both accurate and easy to operate. The module allows programmers to create landable aircraft, including tail-dragger airplanes. The module also contains several useful subroutines.
There are currently two of this module, which are all available in the jsm directory of our GitHub repository:
* Flight4 | - | Used to create the flight simulation demo for airplanes. |
* FlightH | - | Used to create the flight simulation demo for helicopters. |
At the beginning of the program, prior to the importmap, you can load the airplane data using the following command:
< script src=""></script>After the importmap, you can import the Flight4 module using the following command:
import {Flight,Mod360,PoM360,MaxVal,rotLLD,makMsh} from "";
The Flight4 module uses the following variables to store data.
//- Starting Values let BegPwr = 0; // Initial Power Percent let BegSpd = 0; // Speed (kph) let BegPos = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0); // Position (m) //- Constants let DLTime = 1/60; // Delta Time (1/60 seconds) let GrvMPS = 9.80665; // Gravity (mps) let AirDSL = 1.225; // Density - Sea Level (kg/m3) //- Variables let flight = 0; let air_ = { // General Variables DLTime: DLTime, // Seconds per frame (can vary) GrvMPS: GrvMPS, // Gravity (ups) AirDSL: AirDSL, // Air Density (varies with altitude) // Designators AirDat: data_, // Aircraft Data // Airplane Rotation: Vertical Angle, Horizontal Angle, Bank Angle AirRot: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), // Rotation (in degrees) AirObj: makMsh(), // Airplane Object AirPBY: makMsh(), // Changes in radians // Changes to Airplane Pitch Bank and Yaw RotDif: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), // Change // Airplane Speed SpdKPH: BegSpd, // Speed in KPH SpdMPS: BegSpd/3.6, // Speed - meters per second SpdMPF: (BegSpd/3.6)*DLTime, // Speed - meters per frame // Airplane Map Speed and Position MapSpd: new THREE.Vector3(), // Map Speed (meters) MapPos: new THREE.Vector3().copy(BegPos), // Map Position (meters) MapSPS: new THREE.Vector3(0,BegPos.y,0), // MSX, MPY, MSZ (meters) // Variables Obtained from Flight PwrPct: BegPwr, // % of Primary Power (0 to 1) (Main and Flight) SupPct: 0, // Percent of Supplemental Power (War Enmergency or Afterburner) CfLift: 0, // Coefficient of Lift (user input) - determines lift CfFlap: 0, // Coefficient of Lift due to flaps (user input) FlpPct: 0, // Percent of Flaps LngPct: 0, // Percent of Landing Gear BrkPct: 0, // Percent of Air Brakes SplPct: 0, // Percent of Spoiler AGBank: 0, // Aileron Bank on Ground BrkVal: 0, // Brakes GrdZed: 0, // Ground level (default) GrdFlg: 0, // Ground Flag (1 = on ground) ACPAdj: 0, // Airplane pitch adjustment MovFlg: 0, // If Sitting on a Moving Object // Values for the Selected Airplane Type (obtained from Flight) CfLMax: 0, // Maximum Coefficient of Lift FlpCfL: 0, // Max Flap Cfl (0.2*CfLMax) ACMass: 0, // Airplane Mass Weight: 0, // Used by AutoPilot PYBmul: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), // Airplane Pitch/Yaw/Bank Multiplier BnkMax: 0, // Maximum bank rate // AutoPilot - Additional Variables AutoOn: 0, // Autopilot Flag InpKey: new THREE.Vector3(), // Inputs - Keys (replace InpKey) OldRot: new THREE.Vector3(), // Old Rotation (radians) CfLDif: 0, // Change in CfL MaxBnk: 0, // Max Bank (display only) HdgDif: 0 // Horizontal Turn Rate (display only) } // Adjustments air_.AirObj.rotation.order = "YXZ"; air_.AirPBY.rotation.order = "YXZ"; air_.AirObj.add(air_.AirPBY); // PBY includes air_.ACPAdj
flight = new Flight(air_);
Here are some additional discussions of the Flight Module:
Theory | - Animated examples show the underlying theory. | |
Programmer Guide | - A Guide for Programmers. | |
Computations | - The Flight computations. | |
Validating | - Validating your aircraft performance. |