The author of this webpage is Phil Crowther, son-in-law of William Patrick "Pat" Simmons who served with VC-27.
Bob Jackson (brother of Percival Jackson, Captain of VC-27(I)) has graciously allowed me to reprint large excerpts from his book "Composite Squadron VC-27" - so much so that he is effectively a co-author of this webpage.
Samuel Hoyte Blackwell (TBM pilot, VC-27) has provided almost all of the VC-27 pictures and has sent copies of stories, combat reports and a thousand other bits of information too numerous to catalog.
This webpage also includes a little bit of material obtained from Pat and Martha Simmons.
It is not an official webpage of VC-27 nor does it purport to tell the whole story of VC-27. We hope to gather enough information to make this website useful to those who are trying to learn something about VC-27.
Any errors are the responsibility of the author alone.